Adding Resulting Tasks

To add a resulting task, complete the following steps:

  1. Right click in the grid and select Add Record. The following screen will appear:

    Resulting Task

  2. Select a task from the pick list. This is a required field.

    Note: Only tasks marked as "Main Task" in the Header are available for selection as Resulting Tasks.

  3. Enter the Frequency. This is the number of days, weeks, months, etc. before the resulting task work order is to be generated.
    Select the Occurrence Interval from the drop-down list. This is the duration of time (hours, days, weeks, months) before the work order is to be generated.
  4. Check the "Automatically Create Work Order using End Date" box if you wish to automatically create a work order based on the Frequency and Occurrence Interval fields.

    Note: The Frequency and Occurrence Interval fields work together to create a schedule. For example, if the task is swimming pool cleaning, you may select a Frequency of "3" and an Occurrence Interval of "Weeks". Using this schedule, the pool would be cleaned every three weeks. If you mark the "Automatically Create Work Order using End Date" checkbox, a work order will automatically be generated every three weeks starting after the Work Order end date.

    Note: The end date is the actual completion date of the work order (listed in the Work Order module, WO tab).

  5. Click to save the record.
  6. Click to close the window.

See Also

Tasks/Resulting Tasks Tab

Adding Related Tasks

Shared Fields

Viewing, Editing, or Deleting a Task