General Tab

This tab contains detailed information about your traffic counts.  Several fields in this tab have special functions.  The fields and their functions are described in the table below:

Field Name


Count Date

This field allows you to record the day on which the traffic count was taken. The date in this field will be carried over to the ADT Date field in the corresponding Segment Network record.

Count Crew

This alphanumeric field allows you to record crew information.

Count Code

This code-description pick list allows you to indicate whether the traffic count was performed by machine, manual, or estimated.

Start Time

End Time

These fields allow you to indicate the time span of the traffic count.

End1 to 2 ADT

End2 to 1 ADT


These fields allow you to indicate the traffic volume counts from the street segment end points in both directions of travel.  The counts in these fields will be added by the system to find the 2 Way ADT.

2 Way ADT

The value in this field is the sum of the End1 to 2 ADT and End2 to 1 ADT fields.  The system will calculate this value when the user enters counts into the end point fields.  To recalculate this value, press F5 while your cursor is in the field.

Note: The 2 Way ADT value from the most recent Traffic Segments record will be carried over to the ADT Volume field in the corresponding Segment Network record.

% Heavy Vehicles

This field allows you to indicate the number of heavy vehicles (i.e. trucks) that were counted on this street segment.


Here, you can indicate the number of pedestrians counted in this street segment.

Auto ID

This number is generated by the system.  It is a unique identification number and reflects the sequential order in which the record was added.  This field cannot be edited by the user.

Speed Limit

The data in this field is carried over from the corresponding Segment Network record when the traffic count is saved.  This field cannot be edited by the user.

Count Location

This text field allows you to enter a description of the count location.

Note: The Count Date and 2 Way ADT fields are required in order to save the record.

See Also

Traffic Segments

Traffic Segments Header Data

Custom and Comments