Linked Supersegments Tab

This tab contains a grid that allows users to link other supersegments to the current supersegment record. Supersegments may be linked together to make the model select them both for maintenance in the same year. Two examples for when to use Linked Supersegments are listed below: 

In addition, as each supersegment is processed for possible selection in the model runs, the program also determines if it is a Linked Supersegment. If so, then the total cost of that supersegment and all supersegments linked to it is determined first. If the budget can handle the grouped supersegment costs, then that supersegment and all linked supersegments are selected for rehabilitation. For additional information, please consult the Model Run Process topic.

Note: All supersegments that appear in this grid as associated to all of the other supersegments that appear in this grid.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.

Linked Superseg Grid

How To

Add Linked Supersegment

Delete a Linked Supersegment

See Also


Supersegment Header Data

Attributes Tab

Subsegments Tab

Condition Tab

Model Results Tab

ROW 1 Tab

ROW 2 Tab


Maintenance Tab

Comments Tab
