General Tab

This tab allows you to record basic information about your intersections.  A sample of this tab appears above.  Here, you can record names of the streets in your intersection, the city that maintains the intersection, and its GPS coordinates, traffic volume, and type of traffic control device used.  Several fields and buttons in this tab have special functions.  These functions are described in the table below.

Field/Button Name

Special Function

Street Intersection Name Fields

These four fields are used for declaring the proper street names for each leg entering the intersection. You cannot enter more than four unique street names for a single intersection.

ADT Volume and Date

The data in these fields is used for budget forecasting in the Modeling module in the Pavement module. These fields record traffic volume data. 

Note:  The traffic volume can be calculated automatically using the Toolkit function.

Intersection Lock

The Intersection Lock check-box is used if your system is integrated with GIS.  If this box is marked, the intersection will not be recalculated in the GIS system.

Leg Assign

The Leg Assign button helps create a diagram of your street intersections.  To draw your intersections, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Leg Assign button and the following window will appear:

Leg Assign

  • Select the orientation (N, S, E, W, etc.) from the pick list. This is the direction of an intersection leg as it travels away from the node point.
  • Select the Segment ID from the pick list. This represents the street traveling out of the node point as described by its orientation.  Once the Segment ID has been selected, the system will automatically fill the Street Name, From Street, and To Street fields.
  • Click to save the record.  
  • Click to close the window.

Note: You'll repeat this process for each of the Street Intersection Names listed on the General tab.

See Also

Intersection Network

Intersection Header Data

Construction Tab





Traffic Counts


Right-of-Way (ROW)


Custom and Comments
