General Tab

This tab allows users to associate the Task record with a Project, as well as record basic information about the task. This includes the estimated task cost, status, status date, start date, estimated completion date, and actual completion date. Several fields in this tab have special functions.

Field Name

Special Function

Project Rec #*

In order to save the record, select a Project Record Number (Project identifier). This link the task to a Master Project and Project. Either:

  • Type an existing value into the Project Rec # field.
  • Use F9 to view a pick list
  • Click on the Project Rec # button to view a pick list.

Project ID


Once the Project Rec # has been selected, the corresponding Project data will be entered into these fields.

Master Project Rec #

Master Project ID


Once the Project Rec # has been selected, the corresponding Master Project data will be entered into these fields.

Account #

Proj No - Acct




Lead Worker

The data included in these fields will be carried over to all Work Orders created from this record.

Press to create a Work Order linked to this task, which will give the ability to track costs.

Actual Cost to Date

This field is calculated by the system. It reflects the total actual cost of all Work Orders linked to this Task record.

Completed Pct

The percent completed is calculated by the system.

Note: To update the Actual Cost to Date and Completed Pct fields, execute the Toolkit function. This will update cost calculations in the associated Master Project and Project modules and will be carried over to the associated work orders.

Note: The Create Work Order button will NOT be enabled unless a task and Category are selected.

See Also

Project Tasks

Project Tasks Header Data

Sub-Tasks Tab

Work Orders (WOs) tab

