Associate Requests with Street Block

This option generates a search for all work requests that have a location address within a street block of all the locations listed in the Work Order Location grid (in the Work Order Location tab).

Note: This option will be disabled if a location is not listed in the Work Order Location grid.

Note: The street block range is setup in Work Options.

  1. Right click in the Requests grid and select Associate Work Request With > Street Block.
  2. A list of available requests with a location address within a street block of the work order locations will appear.
  3. Select a request and click select to add the request to the grid. To select multiple requests, hold down the Shift key while selecting each request.

See Also

Requests and Tracking Tab

Associate Requests with the Same Problem

Associate Requests with the Same Infrastructure

Associate Requests with the Same Problem and Infrastructure

Associate Incomplete Requests

Associate Request by Work Request Number

Disassociate from All Work Orders and Requests

WO/Request Tracking Grid (Notifications)