Associated PMs

The Associated PMs grid allows you to track preventative maintenance templates (PMs) that are associated with the current work order.

Adding an Associated PM

To associate a PM, complete the following steps:

  1. Right click on an existing PM record and then click on Add Record. The following screen will appear:

    Associated PM

  2. Press F9 for a list of available PMs.

    Note: Only PMs that share the same category and assets as the current work order will be available. The same PM cannot be assigned to multiple work orders.

  3. Select a PM from the list and click select.
  4. Click  to save the record.
  5. Click to close the window.

    Note: An associated PM will automatically be marked as "closed" when the associated work order is closed.

Viewing, Editing, and Deleting an Associated PM

To view, edit, or delete an associated PM, right click on it and select either View Record, Edit Record, or Delete.

Note: When you select Delete, you are only deleting the link to that work order, not the PM record itself. Once you disassociate a PM from a work order, that PM will no longer be updated or reset. You will have to go into the PM record and generate a new work order if you want the PM to be reset. If a PM is marked as "closed," you will not able to edit or delete it.

Important: You will not be able to delete the work order if there is an associated PM.

See Also

Related Tab

Resulting Tasks

Related Work Orders