Special Functions

Below is a list of fields in the Cost tab that have additional functions.

Field Name

Special Function

Projected Completion Date

This field will be automatically calculated any time the Main Task, Start Date, or Estimated WO Duration changes. It represents Start Date + Estimated Duration (found on the Main Task's work flow setup record).


Locks the Projected Compl fields from being changed. This can be carried over from the Main Task.

Quantity Field

The Quantity field may be automatically populated depending on how you defined the selected category in the Work Flow Setup Categories module. If you assign an inventory item to that category, the UOM Type field will be enabled.


The UOM Type field provides two options: count and sum. These options determine how the Quantity field will calculate assets. The first option is "count," which will count the number of assets in the Assets grid of the work order. The second option is "sum," which will add the total measurement of the assets. If you choose "sum", The UOM field will be enabled.


The UOM field allows you to select the field you want summed. For instance, if you have linear assets such as pipes, you would probably want to add the length of the pipes; therefore, you would list the NT _LENGTH field name in the UOM field. This commands the system to add the total length of all pipe assets in the Assets grid. If nothing is selected in the UOM Type field, the Quantity field will remain empty.

Note: The field name listed in the UOM field, must be the exact field name as found in the field properties dialog box. To access the field properties, right click + Ctrl while your cursor in the field and select Field Properties. We recommend you copy the field name from here and paste it in the UOM field.

Note: If there are multiple types of assets on the work order, the sum function will be performed only on the assets which have the same category as the work order.

Lock Checkbox

When marked, the Lock checkbox allows you to enter the quantity manually instead of the field being  populated automatically. It also locks the quantity entered so that any changes made in the Assets grid will not affect it.

Note: The F5 hotkey will be disabled if the Lock checkbox is marked.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure field is populated automatically from the Work Flow Setup Categories module. If a unit of measure was not selected in the Categories module, then this field will remain empty and you can select a unit of measure from the code-description pick list.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost field provides the unit cost for the entire work order. This field is automatically populated based on the Total Cost field and the Quantity field. (Total Cost/Quantity = Unit Cost)

WO Hours

The WO Hours field allows you to enter the number of hours spent completing a work order.

WO Duration

The WO Duration field is automatically populated based on the start and end dates in the WO tab. This field will be updated any time the Main Task code changes.

Labor Hour Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual amount of time required to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated time and the actual time is automatically calculated in the difference field. Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Labor Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of labor to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Parts Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of the parts used to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Fluids Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of the fluids used to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Equipment Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of the equipment used to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Contractor Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of the contractor used to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Misc. Cost Fields

In these fields you can enter the estimated and the actual cost of any miscellaneous items used to complete the work order. The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost is automatically calculated in the difference field.

Note: If the Use Task Info checkboxes are marked, data will automatically be populated in these fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid.

Total Cost Field

The Total Cost field automatically adds the Estimated column, the Actual column, and the Difference column to show you the total cost for each.

Use Task Info- Actual Checkbox

If this checkbox is marked, the actual labor hours and other cost data will automatically be populated in the appropriate fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid. If this checkbox is not marked, you will be able to manually enter data in these fields.

Use Task Info- Estimated Checkbox

If this checkbox is marked, the actual labor hours and other cost data will automatically be populated in the appropriate fields from the Work Orders Tasks grid. If this checkbox is not marked, you will be able to manually enter data in these fields.


See Also

Costs Tab

Shared Field