Special Function Fields

Below is a list of fields in the WO tab that have special functionality.

Field Name

Special Function(s)


The Asset field is a read-only field that consists of the System 1 & 2 and Desc 1 fields for the first asset record listed.

Note: This field value is not stored in the database.


The Location field is auto-populated from the address in the Location tab.

Lead Worker

A lead worker must be assigned to a work order if you want the Assigned Work field in the Work Flow Setup Employees module to calculate the number of assigned work hours for that employee.

Account #

If you have the "Populate WO Acct# from Main Task #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically be populated with the same default account number as the task selected in the Main Task field.

Also, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Task Acct #  with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Account Number field in the Tasks grid in the work order. Or, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Resource Acct # with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Account Number field in the Resources grid in the work order.

Note: If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the account # field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. This is not a required field.

Proj No- Acct

If you have the "Populate WO Acct# from Main Task #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically be populated with the same default project number account as the task selected in the Main Task field.

Also, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Task Acct #  with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Project Number Account field in the Tasks grid in the work order. Or, if you have the "Populate Empty WO Resource Acct # with Main #" option in Work Options set to "yes," this field will automatically populate the Project Number Account  field in the Resources grid in the work order.

Note: If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the Proj No - Acct field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. This is not a required field.

Start Date

The Start Date field allows you to enter the date that work began on the work order. Note: If the Work Options Auto-Change WO Dates to Match Tasks Dates option is set at "yes," the date in this field will  automatically be updated to match the start date in the Tasks grid.

End Date

The End Date field allows you to enter the date that work ceased on the work order. Note: If the Work Options Auto-Change WO Dates to Match Tasks Dates option is set at "yes," the date in this field will  automatically be updated to match the end date in the Tasks grid.

Request Comments Grid

This grid is automatically populated from the comments in the Requests module; however, you can add or edit the comments from the grid in this module. Any modifications made to comments from this grid are not updated in the Requests module.

Note: You must be in Edit Mode or Add Mode to use this grid.

Override Problem Notification Button

The Override Problem Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent when the problem is changed (and saved) in the work order.

Override Task Notification Button

The Override Task Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent when the main task is changed in a work order.

Override Overdue Notification Button

The Override Overdue Notification button, if marked, prevents any overdue notification emails from being automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the work order.

Override Supervisor Notification Button

The Override Supervisor Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the work order.

Note: Supervisor notifications are sent whenever a new work order is saved, or the supervisor listed in the work order has changed.

Project ID

Project Name

These read-only fields are populated by the system ONLY IF you created this Work Order from the Project Tasks module in the Project Management system. These fields will display the Master Project ID and Master Project Name associated with the Project Task.

Override Lead Worker Notification Button

The Override Lead Worker Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent to the lead worker listed in the work order.

Note: Lead Worker notifications are sent whenever a new work order is saved, or the lead worker listed in the work order has changed.

Note:  We now have a special F7 popup for Problem, Cause, Task, Employee, Supervisor, and Assigned By.  This allows the user to type in the start of a code and then popup a listing of values that start with what was typed (i.e., enter E in the Task code, hit F7, and the popup list provides only values starting with an E that are also associated with the category).

See Also

WO Tab

Shared Fields