Project Expenditures Header Data

The header data appears at the top of the module window. This data remains at the top of the screen as users navigate through the modules tabs.


Field Name

Field Function

Project Rec#*

This field is automatically populated by the system with a database generated number. Enter a number by using one of the following three methods:

  • Type an existing value into this field,
  • Use F9 to view a pick list, or
  • Click on the field caption button to select a value.

Project ID

This is automatically populated when the Project Rec # is selected


This is automatically populated when the Project Rec # is selected

Fiscal Year

The year the expenditure occurred.

Posting Date*

When the expenditure occurred

Expenditure Code

A user specified field to track the type of expenditure.

* Required field. These fields are required. Project Rec#, Posting Date, and Expenditure Amount must form a unique combination.

See Also

Project Expenditures

General Tab

Custom and Comments