Problems Grid

To add a new problem record, right click in the Problems grid and select Add Record. You will see something similar to the following:

Sidewalk Problems

  1. Document the distance in feet from the end point of the sidewalk.

    Note: You must enter a unique distance in order to save the record.

  2. To document the exact location of a problem, you can record the X and Y coordinates.
  3. Choose a Problem from the user-defined pick list. These problems can include cracking, faulting, joint failure, etc.
  4. The Rating field is user-defined. It indicates the severity of the problem
  5. The Note field allows you to enter additional comments into a text-box.
  6. Save and Close the record.  
  7. You can then use the functions in the grid to View, Edit, or Delete Problems.

See Also

Problems Tab

Repair Requirements Grid