Manage Shared Tabs/Groups

The Manage Shared Tabs/Groups section of the Admin Portal's Dashboard Management function enables administrators to manage Shared Tabs and Tab Groups for associated users. While you can also open these Dashboard components in application tabs to enter Design Mode just as you do with other areas of Dashboard Management, you can also use Manage Shared Tabs/Groups to manage these Dashboard components and associated users directly within the Admin Portal.

security This tool requires the Admin > Lucity App Admin > Run permission.

manage shared tabs groups

Key features



Opens the selected Shared Tab(s) or Tab Group(s) for viewing or editing.


Opens the Manage Users pop-up for selected Shared Tab(s) or Tab Group(s).


Deletes the selected Shared Tab(s) or Tab Group(s).

Manage Associated User Groups

Opens the Assign Shared Tab Group to User Groups pop-up, which enables you to select one or more Default Rules Groups (user groups established in the Lucity Security program) and assign a Tab Group to them.

  • This button only appears when viewing the Tab Groups list.

Apply Selected Shared Tabs to Selected Users

Applies the selected Shared Tab(s) to the selected user(s).

Apply Selected Tab Groups to Selected Users

Applies the selected Tab Group to the selected user(s).

How to use Manage Users to assign or remove Shared Tab(s) or Tab Groups from user Dashboards

How to apply selected Shared Tabs or Tab Group to selected user(s)

How to apply a Tab Group to a Default Rules Group

More information about Manage Shared Tabs Setup