Material Kits

To streamline the process of creating Work Orders or PMs, agencies can associate an existing Material Kit(s) with Task Setup records. Later, when a user adds that Task to a Work Order or PM/Template as a Sub Task, the associated Material Kit(s) automatically is added to the Work Order or PM, as well.

Note that when you add a Material Kit to a Task Setup record, Lucity does not copy the Materials in the Kit to the Task Setup record's Materials grid. Only when a user adds the Task to a Work Order or PM as a Subtask will Lucity copy the items in the Material Kit to the Work Order's/PM's Materials grid.

More information about Material Kits


Material Kits grid

A Task Setup record's Material Kits grid lists Kits from the Material Kit Setup module that are associated with the Task by default.


folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


How to add a Material Kit to a Task Setup record

How to add multiple Material Kits to a Task Setup record

Task Setup > Material Kit Record Fields

Material Kit *

Indicates the unique ID code and name of this kit.

Alt Description

Identifies the kit using an alternative or secondary name/description.

Unit of Measure

Indicates the quantity and type of measurement for the kit using a user-defined picklist. (For example: 1 each, 2 boxes, 1 container, etc.)


Indicates the number of kits to assign to this task.

  • When this Task is added to a Work Order, the Material Kit's Units value is used to calculate Units for individual Materials on the Work Order:
    Material Kit Units x Material Kit Materials Units = Work Order Material Units
  • If using in conjunction with Parts Inventory, note that when the Units are added to the Work Order, they are automatically disbursed from the inventory.

Estimated Units

Indicates the number of kits that are expected to be used on the task.

Account #

Specifies the financial account number associated with the kit's use on this task.

More information about Account numbers.

Proj No - Acct

Specifies the project number associated with the kit's use on this task.

More information about Project numbers.


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