Planning and Budgeting Department Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields


Identifies a portion of the agency whose budget is included in the broader agency budget.

Fiscal Year**

Identifies the fiscal year associated with this Department record.

  • You must create a new Department records for each separate Fiscal Year.


Specifies a group within the department.


Identifies a subordinate group within the division.


Specifies a group within a sub-division.


Identifies a subordinate group within an area.

*Must form a unique combination.

Note: The Department and Fiscal Year values cannot be changed once the record is saved.

Working Days per Month Fields

Lucity uses the Working Days values in certain labor-day and cost calculations on Department and Planned Task records.

Working Days
(monthly fields)

Indicate the number of days the organizational unit observes as work days during each particular month.

  • Lucity automatically carries over the Working Days values from the linked Fiscal Year record, if available. However, if this organizational unit observes a different amount of days during any month, you can edit the value manually..

Total Days

Calculates the total number of working days the organizational group observes during fiscal year.

  • Calculated as the sum of the 12 monthly Working Days fields. Lucity performs this calculation when the record is saved.

Note: If you choose to edit this value manually, Lucity will no longer auto-calculate the sum; you may, however, enter the sum manually.




Indicates the number of hours this organizational group works on a typical work day.

  • Lucity automatically carries over Hours/Day value from the linked Fiscal Year record, if available. However, you can edit this number if the department's hours are different.

Department Costs Fields

The Cost fields on a Department record enable you to track:

$ Est (monthly fields)

Estimate the monthly cost of work on all Planned Tasks assigned to the department.

Total $ Est

Estimates the total cost of work on all Planned Tasks assigned to the department during the designated fiscal year.

  • Calculated as the sum of the monthly $ Est fields on this Department record.

$ Actual (monthly fields)

Indicate the actual monthly cost of work on all Planned Tasks assigned to the department.

Total $ Spent

Indicates the total actual cost of all Planned Tasks assigned to the department during the designated fiscal year.

  • Calculated as the sum of the monthly $ Actual fields on this Department record.

Actual YTD Amounts

  • Labor $
  • Equipment $
  • Contractor $
  • Material $
  • Fluid $
  • Misc $

Shows the actual cost of all Planned Tasks assigned to the department by class of resource.

Planned Ann Budget


Indicates the total dollar amount allocated to the department for the fiscal year.

  • This value, which is agency-defined, enables you to track a planned annual budget amount for a department and compare it with estimated costs for the department's linked Planned Tasks.
  • The Planned Annual Budget figure will likely differ from the Total $ Est, the latter of which is calculated by the system.
  • This information is for reference purposes only; it is not used in any calculations.


Remaining Budget

Specifies the amount of the department's Planned Task cost estimate that remains unspent for the fiscal year.

  • Calculated as: Total $ Est - Total $ Spent

% of Budget Used

Indicates the percent of the Planned Task estimate used so far by the department for the fiscal year.

  • Calculated as: Remaining Budget / Total $ Est

% of Over/Under

Indicates the amount the department is over or under budget at this point in the fiscal year related to completing this task.

  • A negative value indicates the task is below budget for the amount of year that has passed.
  • A positive value indicates the task is over budget for the amount of year that has passed.

This value is calculated using the following criterion and formula:

  • The system retrieves the % of FY Completed value from the Fiscal Year record's General fields.
  • Calculated as: % of Budget Used / % of FY Completed

Labor Days Fields

Labor Days fields show:

Est (monthly fields)

Estimates the number of labor days required each month to complete the tasks currently associated with this department.

  • Calculated as the sum of the corresponding month's Est Labor Day fields from related Planning Tasks records.

Actual (monthly fields)

Records the actual number of labor days the department completed per month based on data from Work Orders.

  • Calculated as the sum of the corresponding month's Actual Labor Day fields from related Planning Tasks records.

Total Est

Estimates the total number of labor days required to complete all Tasks related to the department for the year.

  • Calculated as the sum of the 12 monthly Estimated Labor Days fields on this form.

Total Actual YTD

Indicates the total number of labor days the department has already completed for the year based on data from Work Orders.

  • Calculated as the sum of the 12 monthly Actual Labor Days fields on this form..

% YTD vs Plan

Identifies the percentage of planned labor days that remains for this department for the fiscal year.

  • The system calculates this value by comparing the estimated amount with the quantity of Task Asset Units completed in actual Work Orders each month.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.