Special Function: Asset to Task Relationships

The relationship between Assets and Tasks in Lucity's Work Order function enables agencies to track the number of assets involved in a task and determine the cost of working on each asset.

The relationship between Asset and Task records is critical to the following calculations:

Asset Units

The Asset record's Units field indicates the number of units of work that the asset represents. Typically, an asset represents one unit of work, however, if work is measured by a metric of the asset (e.g., length or area), then the asset may represent more than one unit of work.

An Asset's Units quantity is configured through the Work Order's Category and Unit of Measure designations.

More information about work quantity calculations


Asset/Task Relationships

For the Cost and Units fields to work properly on a Work Order, Tasks must be related to Assets. You can manually create assign this relationship or allow the system to assume a general relationship between Tasks and Assets.

Assigned Tasks

Assigned Tasks are Tasks that are linked to Assets in one of two wayseither directly or by date.

Directly Linked Tasks

A Lucity user creating a Work Order can directly link Tasks to Assets using the Work Order > Asset > Associated Tasks grid. When a Task is directly linked to multiple Assets on a Work Order—that is, when the Task appears in multiple Assets' Associated Tasks grids—the cost of the Task is evenly divided among those Assets. Although directly linking Tasks to Assets is labor-intensive, it provides the most accurate cost data.

This strategy is typically used on complex Work Orders. An agency might link Tasks directly to Assets when:

How to link a Task to an Asset


Date-Linked Tasks

When Tasks are linked to Assets based on the Tasks' Start Date/End Date values and the Asset's Completion Date, the Tasks are considered date-linked Tasks. This strategy allows users or members of management to see what was accomplished each day.

Example: A Work Order calls for 100 water valves to be exercised. The work will take more than one day and task is created for each day of work. When filling out the work order the user updates the valve Asset's > Completion Date with the day the work was done. Similarly the Task is marked with a Start Date and End Date. The system then links the tasks and assets based on the date completed allowing the agency to see how much work was completed each day.

If the system does not find any directly linked Assets/Tasks on a Work Order, it then checks for Assets and Tasks linked by date.

The Cost of date-linked Tasks is evenly divided among all Assets that have a Completion Date that falls between the Task Start Date and the Task End Date. Note, however, that:

Unassigned Tasks

Tasks that are not linked to Assets directly or by date are considered unassigned Tasks. Lucity divides the cost of an unassigned Task evenly among all records in the Work Order's Asset grid.

An agency might leave Work Order Tasks unassigned when:

Asset Costs

Once Task and Asset relationships are established or calculated, Lucity can determine the cost of working on each asset.

WO Costs

A Work Order > Asset's > WO Costs field shows how much money was spent on the asset. It is calculated using both the assigned and unassigned relationships.

Assigned Costs

Unassigned Costs


The system adds each Asset's > Unassigned Cost to the calculated Assigned Asset Cost. The result is written to the WO Cost field and provides the complete cost for working on the asset.

Special Situations

The following situations require special treatment:


Asset Module > Work Task Grids

Each Asset module includes a Work Tasks grid that displays all Work Order Tasks associated the Asset. This grid, however, does not indicate how an Asset is related to such Tasks.