Component Information Pop-up

Form Editor - Component Information

The Component Information Pop-up appears over the Design Mode and displays the properties for the component. When a component is available but has not been added to the form this dialog is read-only. When the component has been added to the form this dialog provides a place to edit the component's properties.

component information popup

Property Name

Identifies the property associated with this field. This relationship helps third-party developers correlate form data with the properties available in the back-end.

Field Type / Component Type

Basic components display whether the component is a Label, Frame, or Break. Property components display the type of data stored in the field. ex. Text, Date, Time, Number, etc...

Component Properties

The properties that control how the component appears or behaves on the form.



Displays the selected component in the Form Layout Designer.

Common Component Settings

The following are examples of some of the properties that can be set for most component types. For a complete list of available settings review the pages about specifc components.


The text that is displayed with a component.


The horizontal area the component takes up. This can often be adjusted directly in the Form Layout Designer.


The vertical area the component takes up. This can often be adjusted directly in the Form Layout Designer.

More Information about Properties (fields)

More Information about Advanced Elements

More information about Basic Elements