Edit GIS View Properties

GIS Views enables administrators to define how they want the Lucity Web Map to appear for a specific set of users.

Editing Pane

When administrators edit GIS View Properties, an editing pane appears to the right of the screen, providing a means to modify the component's properties.

switch side

Move Pane

Switches the side of the screen to which the Edit Pane is attached.


Deletes the selected GIS View.


Saves all changes made to the GIS View properties.


Cancels any edits and closes the Properties screen.

GIS View Properties

Map View Name *

Identifies the GIS View. Must be unique.


Provides a more brief summary of the contents of the GIS View.

Selected Web Map *

Identifies the web map from the ArcGIS Portal to be displayed in this GIS View.

Lucity recommends displaying an ArcGIS Portal web map. This feature requires that administrators activate the Portal for ArcGIS integration.

Selected Lucity Map *

Identifies the legacy Lucity map to be displayed in this GIS View.

Auto-generate popup for layers

Directs the Lucity Web Map to automatically generate a pop-up for any layers that do not have pop-ups assigned in the ArcGIS Portal.

  • Disabling this option disables the Identify tool for any layers that do not have an assigned pop-up.
  • Changes take effect next time the GIS View is opened.

Include Option

Directs Lucity to make only the tools selected in the grid below available in the GIS view.

Exclude Option

Directs Lucity to exclude any tools that are not selected in the grid, but to automatically load any new tools when they are released.

* Required.
* The administrator must choose one or the other.


How to define GIS View Properties