Fleet Fueling Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.


Data Dictionary

ID Fields

Fleet ID **

Indicates which Fleet vehicle was fueled. This field links this Fueling record to an existing Fleet Inventory record.


Specifies which employee fueled the vehicle.

Fueling ID

Serves as an optional, unique identifier for the Fueling record.

*Required field.
*Must form a unique combination with the Current Reading Date/Time.

Fuel Fields


Specifies the type of fuel used during the fueling.

  • Note: The same fuel codes from the Fluids module (1=unleaded, 2=diesel) must be used for this Fuel pick-list.

Fuel Amount

Indicates the amount of fuel, in gallons, that was added at this fueling.

Reading Fields

Previous Reading Date

Indicates the date of the previous Fueling record. (The system automatically displays this data.)

Previous Reading Odometer

Specifies the odometer reading from the previous Fueling record. (The system automatically displays this data.)

Previous Reading Hourmeter

Specifies the hour meter reading from the previous Fueling record. (The system automatically displays this data.)

Previous Reading Other Meter

Specifies the other meter reading from the previous Fueling record. (The system automatically displays this data.)

Current Reading Date **

Indicates the date/time that the reading is taken.

Current Reading Odometer *

Specifies the current odometer reading.

Current Reading Hourmeter *

Specifies the current hour meter reading.

Other Meter *

Specifies the current other meter reading.

* Required field.
* Must form a unique combination with the Fleet ID.

* Recommended: Although these fields are optional, Lucity advises agencies to record meter readings as a part of refueling. The data are used to update the Fleet record's evaluation fields, which dictate preventative maintenance schedules, as well as the warranty status, depreciation, and replacement costs of the vehicle.

* If the new reading is less than the Fleet record's previous odometer, hour meter, or other meter reading, the user is asked whether he or she would like to roll back the meter. If the user chooses to roll back the meter, all PMs related to the vehicle must be updated.

Cost Fields

Cost Per Unit *

Records the cost of the fuel, per gallon, at the time of fueling.

Total Fuel Cost *

Calculates the total price of fuel at this fueling, as:

Fuel Amount x Cost Per Unit

This figure is automatically calculated by the system. If a user manually enters this data, the system will update the Cost Per Unit to correspond to the Total Fuel Cost.

Grand Total

Calculates the total price of all fuel and fluids added at this fueling, as:

Total Fuel Cost + Other Fluids

Other Fluids

Displays the sum of the Total Cost fields for all records entered in this Fueling record's Other Fluids grid. This field is automatically calculated by the system.

* Lucity calculates the Total Fuel Cost using the values in the Fuel Amount and Cost Per Unit fields. If a user manually enters the Total Fuel Cost after the system has calculated the value, a warning message appears that states that the calculation is incorrect. This message prompts the user to indicate whether the Total Fuel Cost is correct.

If the user selects Yes, Lucity updates the Cost Per Unit to validate the calculation. If the user selects No, the Total Fuel Cost is recalculated based on the existing Fuel Amount and Cost Per Unit.

Summary Fields

Date Difference

Specifies the amount of time that passed between fuelings.

  • Calculated as: Current Reading Date - Previous Reading Date

Cost Per Day

Indicates the cost of fuel per day to drive this vehicle (for example, $20/day) since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Total Fuel Cost / Difference Date

Days/Amount *

Calculates the number of days that a gallon of fuel lasted since the last fueling.

  • Automatically calculated as: Difference Date / Fuel Amount

Average Days/Amount *

Indicates the number of days that a gallon lasted for the last X number of fuelings.

  • Calculated as: An average of the Days/Amount fields for the last X number of fuelings.
  • Any agency's preference for the number of historical fuelings (X) to use in this calculation is set in the Lucity Admin Portal > Settings > General Options > Number of records used averaging fueling metrics option.
  • Lucity does not consider Fueling records in which the Days/Amount value is null when performing this calculation.


Odometer Difference

Specifies the distance that was traveled between fuelings.

  • Calculated as:
    Current Reading Odometer - Previous Reading Odometer

Cost Per Odometer

Indicates the cost of fuel per mile to drive this vehicle (for example, $0.15/mile) since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Total Fuel Cost / Difference Odometer

Miles/Amount *

Calculates the number of miles to the gallon this vehicle achieved since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Odometer Difference / Fuel Amount

Average Miles/Amount *

Indicates the number of miles to the gallon this vehicle achieved for its last X number of fuelings.

  • Calculated as: An average of the Miles/Amount fields for the last X number of fuelings
  • Any agency's preference for the number of historical fuelings (X) to use in this calculation is set in the Lucity Admin Portal > Settings > General Options > Number of records used averaging fueling metrics option.
  • Lucity does not consider Fueling records in which the Days/Amount value is null when performing this calculation.


Hourmeter Difference

Specifies the number of hours the vehicle was used between readings.

  • Calculated as:
    Current Reading Hourmeter - Previous Reading Hourmeter

Cost Per Hour

Indicates the cost of the fuel required to drive this vehicle one hour (for example, $10/hour) since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Total Fuel Cost / Difference Hourmeter

Hours/ Amount *

Calculates the number of hours to the gallon this vehicle achieved since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Hourmeter Difference / Fuel Amount

Average Hours/Amount *

Indicates the number of hours to the gallon this vehicle achieved for the last X number of fuelings.

  • Calculated as: An average of the Hours/Amount fields for the last X number of fuelings.
  • Any agency's preference for the number of historical fuelings (X) to use in this calculation is set in the Lucity Admin Portal > Settings > General Options > Number of records used averaging fueling metrics option.
  • Lucity does not consider Fueling records in which the Days/Amount value is null when performing this calculation.


Other Meter Difference

Specifies another (agency-defined) unit of measurement that passed between fuelings.

  • Calculated as: Current Reading Other Meter - Previous Reading Other Meter

Cost Per Othermeter

Indicates the cost of the fuel required per to drive this vehicle for one unit of the other meter (for example, $0.55/unit) since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Total Fuel Cost / Difference Other Meter

Other Meter Amount *

Calculates the number of units to the gallon this vehicle achieved since the last fueling.

  • Calculated as: Other Meter Difference / Fuel Amount

Average Miles/Amount *

Indicates the number of units to the gallon this vehicle achieved for the last X number of fuelings.

  • Calculated as: An average of the Hours/Amount fields for the last X number of fuelings.
  • Any agency's preference for the number of historical fuelings (X) to use in this calculation is set in the Lucity Admin Portal > Settings > General Options > Number of records used averaging fueling metrics option.
  • Lucity does not consider Fueling records in which the Days/Amount value is null when performing this calculation.

* Lucity calculates these values only when a user adds a new Fueling record.

* Lucity calculates these values only when a user adds a new Fueling record. To update historical records, run one of the Calculate Fueling Averages Toolkits available in the Fleet Inventory toolbar.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.

Transaction Fields

Card #

Specifies the credit or debit card account used to purchase fuel.

Card Holder

Identifies the person to whom the credit or debit card is assigned.


Identifies the department to which the credit or debit card is assigned.