Lucity provides several built-in Timesheet reports. It also allows an agency to upload its own Timesheet report.
Built-in Reports
WebTimesheetBasic1WeekWeb.rpt – Shows one week of tasks and their totals; displays the Task field.
WebTimesheetBasic2WeekWeb.rpt – Shows two weeks of tasks and their totals; displays the Task field.
WebTimesheetAll1WeekWeb.rpt– Shows one week of tasks and their totals; displays the Task, Class, Account #, Project #, and Time Code fields.
WebTimesheetAll2WeekWeb.rpt – Shows two weeks of tasks and their totals; displays the Task, Class, Account #, Project #, and Time Code fields.
Use the following steps to modify the Timesheet report used in Lucity:
Note: The System Settings dialog does not provide a way to upload reports. Reports must be posted to the web server in order to be available online. Usually, the files are stored within one of the subdirectories of the Reports folder (e.g., \Equip and \Work). The Timesheet report is usually placed in the \Work subdirectory.