Creating Custom Reports

When creating custom Crystal Reports, an agency must follow specific steps in order for the reports to work with Lucity. Several training manuals are available that explain how to create new reports from scratch.

Supported Versions of Crystal Reports

Reports may be revised or created with any version back to 9. (9, 10, XI, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016)

Naming Custom Reports

Agencies should not modify the standard reports Lucity provides because these files are updated as part of every upgrade. If an agency modifies a standard report, any changes it had made would be overwritten when the next upgrade was applied.

Instead, users should either:


Converting Reports/Linking Data

When you create a new report you need to setup the reports connection to sql server correctly to ensure that it will work in Lucity Web and Mobile. You also may need to update how old reports link to sql server in the following situations.

More information about setting/updating SQL connection information for custom Lucity reports.


Report Parameters

Lucity supports several types of report parameters. How to integrate the use of report parameters with Lucity >>