Report Connection to SQL Server

The following process should be used to:


While we automatically install the correct drivers with the Lucity Report Server you will need the new driver installed on your machine to update a report's connection.

Download and install the 64 bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server from Microsoft

Lucity Web Reports

Repointing the tables is very similar to repointing the tables when converting Desktop reports to Web or updating report tables for newer versions of Lucity.

  1. In the report design mode select Database > Set Datasource Location…
  2. In the "Replace with:" box expand Create New Connection.
  3. Expand OLE DB (ADO)
  4. In the Provider box select Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.

    new sql report driver

    Note: The old driver was Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.

  5. Change the location of the data source by selecting the current database (or table) from the top box (Current Data Source) and then choosing the database (or table) to replace it with. Then click Update.

    Note: All tables in the report and subreports must be repointed.

Lucity Desktop Reports

Desktop reports (ODBC Connections) may have similar issues if TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled. To correct this, the latest ODBC SQL Server driver will need to be installed on any machine where Lucity Desktop will run reports. The driver will not be automatically installed with Lucity Desktop. The report tables do not need to be repointed.