Alias Configuration

An alias is an alternate name for a feature class that gives the feature class a unique identity with a map service. The Lucity/CS EAM mapping applications check the alias names of the layers loaded into them to determine which feature class is present. This in turn tells the Lucity/CS EAM system which feature class configuration to use in the geodatabase configuration.

Note: The geodatabase configuration must be complete before an administrator can configure Lucity/CS EAM to recognize aliases.

Note: An administrator must establish and import aliases to the geodatabase configuration in order for the Lucity/CS EAM mapping applications to work.


Setting an alias

An administrator can either set an alias for a feature class within ArcCatalog or set aliases on a per-map basis in ArcMap. Feature class aliases are tied to the feature class in ArcCatalog. Per-map aliases are set in ArcMap and are only saved for that .mxd.

Note: Aliases must be completely unique throughout the geodatabase configuration. For example, a Sewer Pipe feature class and a Water Pipe feature class cannot both have a "Pipes" alias.

Note: Aliases should not start with a number.


How to set a feature class alias in ArcCatalog

How to set a map-specific alias in ArcMap


Import aliases

Aliases can be imported into the Lucity geodatabase configuration in two ways: 1) by importing the feature class alias or 2) by importing the per-map aliases.

How to import the feature class alias(es) in ArcCatalog

How to import per-map aliases in ArcMap


Manage aliases

Aliases can be added manually for each feature class and managed in the Geodatabase Configuration tool.

How to manage aliases