Employees can be sent Supervisor Notifications from a request. These notifications are designed to let an employee know when they have been assigned as the supervisor on a request.
The notification template is created in the General > Notification Setup module. In the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee module the template is selected to specify which supervisor request notification is sent to a particular employee.
Supervisor notifications are sent whenever an employee is selected on a and the request is saved.
Note: Notifications generated from imported field data are processed when the mobile unit is synched. Only email notifications can be sent regarding imported field data.
Most Request notifications can be overridden in the Request by checking the corresponding override button. This must be done before the request is saved or the notification is scheduled to be sent, otherwise the notification is sent automatically.
Override Supervisor Notification Button
Stops the Supervisor notification from being sent for the current request. Supervisor notifications are sent whenever the Supervisor is set on the request and the record is saved.
Override Problem Notification Button
Stops the Problem notifications from being sent out for the current request. Problem notifications are sent whenever the Problem is set on the request and the record is saved.
Override Overdue Notification Button
Stops the Overdue notification from being sent out for the current request. Overdue notifications are automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the request when the current date is past the Projected Completion date.
All request overdue notifications can be disabled if the Disable Request Overdue Notifications option is enabled.
Override Customer Thank You Button
Stops the Customer Thank You notification from being sent out for the current request. Customer Thank You notifications are automatically sent out to the requester when the request is created.
Override Completed Thank You Button
Stops the Completed Thank You notification from being sent out for the current request. Completed Thank You notifications are automatically snet out to the requesters when the request is closed.
Note: When any of these check boxes are marked, the system will NOT send the corresponding notifications. Work Notifications may also be overridden in the Work Ordermodule.
Note: The notification template must have one of these values
After creating the notification template, go into the Work > Work Flow Setup> Employee module.
On the General tab
Click in the Supv Req Notif field and hit F9 for a pop up list of valid notification templates. Select a notification template
The employee must also be flagged as a active employee, and supervisor to receive the notification.
On the Contact Info Tab
If the Notification is being sent as an email the Email field must be filled out.
After completing the above setup whenever a request is created or edited, and the employee is selected as the supervisor, they will receive the notification when the record is saved.
Note: The same notification template can be used for multiple employees.