Create feature classes in which to store the red-line data.
The tool supports Points, Lines and Polygons.
There is no requirement that each of these types has to exist.
There are no required fields.
It's a good idea to include a text field with a large mask so that users can add comments.
Add the redlining feature classes to the desired arc gis webmap using Portal, or ArcGIS Online.
The name (alias) used to identify the redlining layers in the map should be unique.
While there is no limit to the number of red-line feature classes an administrator can create, only one of each type should be added to a map.
For example, an administrator could create a set of red-line layers for each department and place them on the map but the map can only have one point, one line, and one polygon feature class.
When the ArcGIS Webmap is used in the Lucity Web Map the redlining layers will show up.
Log into Arc Server Manager and click on Services > Manage Services.
Locate the map service you wish to use.
Click on the map service to see its properties.
Click the Capabilities button.
Copy down the REST URL, which should have a path similar to this: http://<server name>/ArcGIS/rest/services/<service name>/FeatureServer.
Click on the REST URL. A page listing the properties of the map service appears.
The Layers section lists all the service's layers. The number behind the layer name is the layer order number.
Collect both the URL for the feature service and the number for each layer.
Launch the Lucity Administration Tool and select GIS > GIS Services.
On the Map Services tab, click Add Map Service...
Enter the REST URL for the feature service. This will end in /FeatureServer.
Click Save....
Go to GIS > Map Setup.
In the Available Maps grid, select the map to add the red-line service to and click Edit Map Setup.
In the Redlining section, select the red-lining map from the drop-down. This list displays only the feature services configured in the Map Services tool.
Also in that section, enter the layer number within the feature service that corresponds to each type of redlining layer: Point, Polyline, and Polygon.
Close the window and click Save on the Map Setup window and continue to the next how to.