
Grids list individual records from the Lucity module associated with the current view. Each record displays a set of general information (customized by the system administrator). If a record has related child records, the parent record can be expanded to display them.

Grids also provide an Edit Mode that enables users to add records or edit record information directly in the grid.

Finally, grids provide tools that enable users to control how they view and manipulate Lucity data. This help topic outlines grid layout and functionality and explains how to perform common grid functions.

grid elements


General Grid Tools


Column Heading

Identifies the nature of the data in the column. Column headings correspond to field names. To change a column width, click and drag the right edge of the column.


Column Sorting

Enables the user to control the order in which records are displayed. Click a column heading to sort that column.


Column Filtering

Enables the user to control which records are shown (filtering). Click the funnel button to perform a quick filter on that single column.


Grid page navigation

Lets users control how many records are displayed on a page and move through pages of records.


Column Resizing

Click on the line between two columns and drag it left or right to resize the column.

Click user_customization_32x32 to save the customizations.


Column Order

Click and drag a column left or right to move that column to a new location within the grid.

Click user_customization_32x32 to save the customizations.

Record Grid Tools


Expand records

Expands the record to display related child records. The Expand button appears only if the view that contains the grid allows child records to be shown. If the plus sign is white, there are no associated child records. If the plus sign is green, child records exist.

Collapse Record

Collapses the record to a single line and hides any child records. When a record is expanded, the button image changes to this minus sign.


Child Record tabs

Appear when a record is expanded. Each tab in the row represents a type of child record. Click a tab to view a child grid for that type of record. The number in parentheses on the tab represents the number of child records available.


Child Grid

Displays records, usually from another module, that are related to the parent record. Child grids function like other grids; any record added to a child grid is automatically associated with the parent record.


Open Record

Opens the record in a Form. Forms show more detailed information and enable users to edit that information. More information on using Lucity Forms.

Module Specific Grid Tools

work clock enabled

Work Clock Enabled

Displayed in the Work Orders > Tasks grid next to the task that is currently tracking time.

In This Section

Column Sorting

Column Filters

Grid Navigation