Available Licenses Tab

The Available Licenses tab displays all unused licenses, allowing users to view license specifications and install licenses. Select a license on the left to view relevant details on the right. Licenses can also be installed from this screen.

How To Install a License

  1. After Client Maintenance loads click the Available Licenses tab at the top of the screen.

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  2. On the left is a list of licenses that are available (stored in LicensesCodes.xml), but not currently installed. Select a license on the left to view its properties in the window on the right.

    Note: Licenses marked PRD are for Production use. Licenses marked NPR are meant to establish Test or Development environments.

  3. To install a license, highlight it in the window on the left and click the Install button. The following window appears:

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  4. Provide a user-friendly name for the license and click Ok. (For example, you could use the name of the agency or department that will use this license).


  5. In the form that appears, enter connection information for the database.
  6. When all fields have been completed, click Next >.
  7. Click the Installed Licenses tab at the top of the tool.
  8. You should see your newly installed client in the list.