Location Tab

The Location tab allows you to specify the location(s) where the work will take place. You can also identify the department and sub-departments assigned to the work order. There is also a Comments for Crew grid which allows you to enter special instructions for the crew.

Special Function Fields

Maintenance Zone

Allows you to classify you work based on a location. This can be used to automatically assign the supervisor. Click the field caption or press F9 for a picklist of maintenance zones.

This field is automatically populated by the following process.

  • When a work order is created and assets are added the program checks the first asset on the list to see if it has an assigned Maintenance Zone.
  • If it does this field is updated with the value. If there are no assets on the work order it checks the first location and calculates what maintenance zone it falls in.

Setup information

Alternate Zone

Allows you to classify you work based on a location. Click the field caption or press F9 for a picklist of alternate zones.

This field is automatically populated by the following process.

  • When a work order is created and assets are added the program checks the first asset on the list to see if it has an assigned Alternate Zone.
  • If it does this field is updated with the value. If there are no assets on the work order it checks the first location and calculates what alternate zone it falls in.

Setup information

In This Section

Shared Fields

Work Order Location Grid