Examples of How to Manipulate Costs

Example 1

You have an employee that is normally billed out at $10 per hour. You would like to use a base rate of $12 for this particular work order.

  1. Open the Work Orders module, Tasks/Res tab.
  2. Add an employee record to the Resources grid.

    See the Adding a Resource topic for more information.

  3. Change the Default Unit Cost from 10 to 12 (circled in red below).

    Default Unit Cost

Example 2

Your employees are paid $25 every night they are on call. The employees are also paid overtime for any time actually worked during the on call period. You would like to record the cost for this employee being on call plus four (4) hours of overtime during that period.

Option 1

  1. Open the Work > Administration > Time Cost Setup module and create a record for "On Call" with a Straight Time Cost of $25 (example below).

    See the Time Cost Setup, Adding a Time Code topic for more information.

    Time Cost Setup

  2. Open the Work Orders module, Tasks/Res tab, and add an employee record to the Resources grid.

    See the Adding a Resource topic for more information.

  3. Enter a 1 in the Normal Units field, a 4 in the Overtime Units field, and select a time cost of On Call (fields highlighted in red below).

    Note: If your financial timesheet system is integrated directly with the work order system, you may not be able to use this method unless your timesheet integration specifically ignores units designated as on call, or knows how to convert them properly into the payroll system. Eden integration should not use this method.

Option 2

How To Use Task Costing to Designate these Costs

  1. Open the Work Orders module, Tasks/Res tab.
  2. Add a task record to the Tasks grid.

    See the Adding a Task topic for more information.

  3. Enter the number of people that were on call for that night in the # of Units field.
  4. Enter the On Call rate ($25) in the Unit Cost field.
  5. Uncheck the Actual checkbox.

    These three fields are highlighted in red below.

  6. Add all employees to the Resources grid that were on call with no units specified.

    Note: This method may require a special report to pull this information properly.

    Task Costing

Example 3

You are using a material or a fluid on a work order, and the system has populated a default unit cost (taken from the Work Flow Setup modules). You want to change the unit cost for the material on this work order.

  1. Edit the Resource.
  2. Change the value in the Unit Cost field (highlighted in red below).
  3. Save the resource.

    If this resource was dispersed from parts inventory, and if there are any returns/dispersals required for the change you made, the system will change the unit cost to the unit cost from the parts warehousing system.

    If you want to change it back, you would need to re-edit the resource, manually change the unit cost again, and save. As long as the system does not need to disperse/return parts, the system will keep your customized unit cost.

    Material Cost