Vendor Parts Tab

The Vendor Parts grid displays a list of all the parts provided by the vendor. If the vendor is restricted, only parts listed in this grid will be available when creating a purchase order for this vendor.

A sample of the Vendor Parts grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

How To Add a Part

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window appears:

    Vendor Parts

  2. Enter a Vendor Part ID (required).

    Note: This ID should include a unique number code and brief description of the part. The number is usually the ID number the vendor uses to identify the part.

  3. Enter a UPC Code. (This code can be used to look up parts.)
  4. Enter the Part ID. Click on the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of parts from the Parts Inventory (required).
  5. Enter any other information in the corresponding fields.

    Note: The system automatically completes the Unit of Measure field when the user selects the Part ID.

  6. Save and close the record.


More Information on Vendor Parts records

In This Section

Vendor Parts Records