How To Use the Stretch Feature

The Stretch feature is only available for sewer pipes and storm conduits.  It allows the user to trace a stretch of manholes or other sewer structures, and then add them to the Assets grid.

  1. Right-click in the Assets grid and select Stretch. The following window will appear:


  2. Enter the US Structure and the DS Structure IDs in their respective fields.
  3. Click . This will bring up a list of all manholes located between the US Structure and the DS Structure you entered.

    Note: If a break in the stretch exists, you will receive a message that a manhole is missing or there is non-consecutive pipe information. Click "ok" and the manholes that are consecutive will appear in the Structures list.

  4. Click to add these structures to the Asset grid.


  5. Click to clear the Stretch window and start over.