Creating a WO from a Resulting Task

When you create a new work order from the Resulting Tasks grid of an existing work order, the following information will be carried over to the new work order.

This allows you to generate a work order for a resulting task immediately as opposed to waiting for the work order to auto-generate.

Note: This option will be disabled if a work order already exits for the task. Only one work order can be generated per task. So if you manually generate a work order, the system will not automatically generate another one even if you have the task set to auto-create work order.


How To Create a Work Order from a Resulting Task

  1. Select the task in the Resulting Tasks grid.
  2. Right-click and select Create Resulting WO. You will be prompted to view the new work order. If you click "Yes," the new work order will open. If you click "No," a new work order will still be created, but it will not automatically open.