How To Add Routing Tasks

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:

    Work Routing

  2. Enter the step number (e.g. 1, 2, 3) in the Step field.
  3. Enter the number of the previous step in the Prior Step field (i.e. the step that must be completed before the current one).

    Note: When entering the first step, enter a zero in this field.

  4. Type the name for this Routing Task in the Work Flow Step field.
  5. The the Assigned To field select an employee to complete the task. Only the assigned employee has permission to close a routing task (unless you have the Anyone Can Close box marked or this field is left blank).

    Note: The system uses the employee login ID to determine if a user has permission to close a routing task; therefore, it is important that each employee have a login ID listed in his/her Work Flow Setup Employee record. If not, that employee will not be able to edit or close routing task records.

  6. Mark the Auto Complete box if you want the routing task to be closed automatically once all the sub-tasks are closed.
  7. Mark the All Tasks Req box if you want each sub-task to be a required task. If this is box is marked, you will have to mark each sub-task as complete before closing the routing task.

    Note: You can override this function for specific sub-tasks by editing the sub-task record.

  8. Mark the Anyone Can Close box if you want all employees to be able to close the routing task.
  9. Select the Status of the work order upon routing completion (i.e. when all routing tasks are completed, what status do you want auto-populated in the work order? Closed, on-hold, on-going, etc.). This is not required.
  10. Select which notification will be sent to the Assigned To employee when the Routing Task is activated in the Work Order module, Routing Tab.
  11. Select which notification will be sent to the Assigned To employee once the task is marked as complete on the Work Order module, Routing Tab.

    Note: Notifications are created in the General > Notification Setup module. Notifications will be sent to the Assigned To employee (if one is selected) as well as any addresses included in the Notification's Recipient List.

  12. Save and Close the record.