
The Resources tab allows you to view all Resources associated with this Classification. Resources may include employees or equipment.  Here, you can view when a resource is available.  Records can be sorted by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow will appear signifying ascending or descending order.  You can add or edit resources from this grid.

How To Add a Resource to a Classification

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following screen will appear:


  2. Select a resource from the pick list. This is a required field.
  3. Select a department, division, area, and sub-area.

    Note: You can Right-click + Ctrl in any field to view a field definition.

  4. The Full Time Equivalent (%FTE) field allows you to document whether an employee or piece of equipment is available full time or part time.
  5. Mark the ALL Year Availability checkbox if applicable.
  6. If the employee or resource is not available all year, document when the resource is available using start and end dates.
  7. Document when a resource is available using the Percent Availability per Month grid.  To evenly distribute the percent of availability throughout the year, check the Evenly Distributed box.
  8. Click to save the record.
  9.  Click to escape Add Mode (if you are in continuous add mode).
  10. Click to close the window.

How To View, Edit or Delete a Resource Associated with a Classification

To view, edit, or delete a resource, Right-click on a record and select either View Record, Edit Record, or Delete Record.