Quick Reports

You may have some reports that are used more frequently than others. You can save these reports from the Report List as "Quick Reports." This allows you to select and generate a report quickly without having to open the entire Report List. Quick reports are now user-id specific; therefore, the Quick Report list will display only the reports you have saved.  

Note: Quick Reports will always be sent to your default printer.

How to add a report as a Quick Report

  1. Click to open the Report List.
  2. Right-click on the report you wish to save as a Quick Report.
  3. Select Add to Quick Reports for This Record Only, the Filtered record set, or All Records.

    Quick Reports

  4. Once a report is saved as a Quick Report, a pointing handwill appear in front of the report name. Now the report will appear in the list when you click the arrow button .
  5. To remove a report from the Quick Reports list, Right-click on a report and select Remove from Quick Reports.