Work Asset Setup

The Work Asset Setup module allows agencies to customize the information that is copied from an Inventory record to an Asset record when a Work Order or PM/Template are created. Administrators can set up a different configuration for each type of asset.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Work Asset Setup module, select Work > Administration > Work Asset Setup. The following window appears:

Header Data

The header data appears at the top of the module.

Asset Type **

Indicates which Asset Inventory is associated with this Configuration record.

* Required.

* Must be unique. Only one Configuration can be established for each Asset Type.

Work Asset Matchup Fields

The Work Asset Matchup grid enables users to pair fields from a Work Order or PM/Template Asset record with fields within an Asset Inventory module. When an asset is added to the work order or pm/template, the information in the linked fields is automatically copied to the Work Asset record.

A sample of the Work Asset Matchup grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

How to create an Asset Setup record

How to set up a Standard Field link

How to set up the Desc 1 and 2 fields

How to add data from a record related to the asset