Permit Number Format

Notice: This section has been moved to Lucity Web and is no longer updated here. Lucity Numbering Options >

The Number Format tab allows users to change the format of the auto-number for the Work Permit module. It contains buttons to select how the Year, Month, Day and Sequence will be formatted.


When formatting work permit numbers, consider how many permits will generate per year, per month, etc. Then decide how often permit numbers should be reset (yearly, monthly, daily).  It is recommended to use the following formats depending on how often the number is reset.

Annual reset: YY-XXXXXX (e.g. 12-000001).  

Monthly reset: YY-MM-XXXX (e.g. 12- 08-0001)

Daily reset: YY-MMDD-XXX (e.g. 12-0801-001)

Note: No matter which format is chosen, be sure to select a sequence number (e.g. 0001) proportionate to the number of permits that will generated.  

How To Customize Permit number format

  1. Click on the Number Format tab.
  2. Click edit on the module toolbar to enter Edit Mode.
  3. Begin formatting the permit number by selecting desired options from each group (Year, Month, Day, Special Characters, and Sequence).
  4. Click to save the changes.
  5. Use the Clear Number button to clear the dialog box and start over.

    Note: The Permit # field has an 15 character maximum.

    Note: Permit Number reset options are found under the General Options tab (WO General Options, under Work Orders.