Time Admin

The Time Admin tab allows you to link payroll clerks to multiple supervisors.

Note: An employee will show up as a supervisor on the selection list if: (a) The employee is marked supervisor in the checkbox on the Employee General Tab. (b) The supervisor has not already been associated to an employee designated as the Payroll Clerk/Time Administrator.

How To Add a Supervisor

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following dialog will appear:

    supervisor selection list

  2. Highlight the supervisor's name and click Select.
  3. The supervisor will be added to the grid.

How To Delete a Supervisor

  1. Right-click in the grid and click Delete Record. The following message will appear:

    delete supervisor link

  2. Click Yes and the record will be removed from the grid.

    Note: You can multi-select supervisors in the supervisor selection grid and records in the supervisor grid by holding down shift or ctrl while selecting the records.