Department/Utility Locates Tab

The Departments tabs stores locations and assets, such as department, devision, subdivision, etc. It also contains the fields that allow users to override specific notifications for a request.

department tab

Special Function Fields

Maintenance Zone

Allows you to classify you requests based on a location. This can be used to automatically assign the supervisor. Click the field caption or press F9 for a picklist of maintenance zones.

This field is automatically populated by the following process.

  • When a work request is created and assets are added the program checks the first asset on the list to see if it has an assigned Maintenance Zone.
  • If it does this field is updated with the value. If there are no assets on the work request it checks the first location and calculates what maintenance zone it falls in.

Setup information

Alternate Zone

Allows you to classify you requests based on a location. Click the field caption or press F9 for a picklist of alternate zones.

This field is automatically populated by the following process.

  • When a work request is created and assets are added the program checks the first asset on the list to see if it has an assigned Alternate Zone.
  • If it does this field is updated with the value. If there are no assets on the work request it checks the first location and calculates what alternate zone it falls in.

Setup information

Override Buttons

Override Supervisor Notification Button

The Override Supervisor Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the request.

Note: Supervisor notifications are sent whenever a new request is saved, or the supervisor listed in the request has changed.

Override Problem Notification Button

The Override Problem Notification button, if marked, prevents any default notifications from being automatically sent when the problem is changed (and saved) in the request.

Override Overdue Notification Button

The Override Overdue Notification button, if marked, prevents any overdue notification emails from being automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the request.

Override Customer Thank You Button

The Override Customer Thank You button, if marked, prevents any default customer thank you notifications from being automatically sent to the requester.

Note: Customer thank you notifications are setup in the Work Options module. Only one default thank you notification can be setup. The same thank you notice will be sent to each requester regardless of the problem or category selected. This notification will be sent to the email address listed in Requesters tab of the request.

The thank you notification will be sent to the original requester upon saving a new request. It will also be sent to any subsequent requesters who are adding to existing requests.

See Customer Notifications for more information.

Override Completed Thank You Button

The Override Completed Thank You button, if marked, prevents any default request completed notifications from being automatically sent to the requesters listed in the request.

Utility Locates Grid

At the bottom of the tab is a grid that stores all utility locates that are related to the request.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

How To Add a Utility Locate

More information about Utility Locate records