Available Hot Keys

Several hot keys are identified in the status bar of the Request tab. These provide users with search functions unique to the Requests module. The available functions are identified in the table below:

Cursor Field

Initiating Action

Populated Value(s)

Loc Address

(Building Number)


Populate Requestor Address

If the location requiring work is at the same location where the requestor may be reached, you can quickly populate the location address using this F4 hot key. This will carry over the building number, street direction, street name, street type, and street suffix for both the Location Address and Location Street 2 fields, as well as the city, state, parcel number, zip code, and country.

Loc Address

(Street Name)


Search for Duplicates

No fields are populated with information. Instead, you will be presented with a list of existing requests with the same location address that are potential duplicates. If this is a duplicate request entry, you can select a record and the duplicate request will be merged into the previous record.

Note: This function is only available if the Find Duplicate Request by Address Block Work Option is turned on.  For further information on this option, please reference the Work Options module help guide.

Loc Address

(Street Name)


Search for Previous Requests

No fields are populated with information. Instead, a tool will appear allow users to search for related requests. If a request is found and selected, the module will open that request in edit mode. This helps users to minimize duplicate requests in the system.

Loc Address

(Street Name)


Search for Owner

If only one matching contact is found with this address in the Customer module, and that contact has Owner information populated, the Owner data will be populated into the Notifications tab of this record.

If more than one matching contact is found, you will be asked to choose a contact. Choosing a contact will populate the Owner information (if available). Not choosing a contact will return you to the module screen.

How To Find Previous Requests by Address

  1. In the Loc Address field enter an building number (optional) and street name (required).

    Note: If the Automatically Search for Existing Request option in the Request Options is set to Y the following will happen automatically.

  2. While the cursor is still in the field push F7. If the Special F7 Lookup Functionality in the Request Options is set to Y the following pop-up will appear. If not the tool will search for all requests with the same address and skip to step 5.


  3. This screen allows users to search for other requests with the same address. It also allows them to narrow that search based on Category and date.
    1. In the Select Category(s) grid select one or more categories to filter the results on. If no categories are selected the tool will find all categories.
    2. In the Select Date Range field choose an option. The requests will be filtered based on the selected date range.
    3. At the bottom of the tool there are Starting Building and Ending Building fields. The information in the Starting Building field is carried over from the request if it was filled out. The Address selected in the Loc Address field on the request is filled out too. The address protion of the earch works in two ways:
      • Address Range - Enter a Starting Building and Ending Building. The search will find all requests in between. If a Starting Building is entered, and Ending Building must be entered too.
      • Full Street - If no building number is entered the tool will find requests on the selected street.
  4. Click Show Requests.
  5. The tool will search for similar requests. If any are found the following pop-up will appear:


  6. If the desired request is there click on it in the list and click the Select button.
  7. The Request module will open to that request.