Use the drop-down menu in the top-left to select Crystal Enterprise. Edit the following settings as directed:
Enter server information:
In the Display Server field, enter the DNS name for the CRE server.
In the Server field, enter the server name for the CRE server.
In the Server is TLS field, indicate whether the CRE server uses SSL/TLS.
Provide port information:
In the Admin Port field, enter the number for CRE's admin port.
In the Display Port field, enter the number for CRE's display port.
In the Logon Port field, enter the number for CRE's logon port.
Set Authentications:
In the Use Guest Account field, choose how you prefer Lucity to authenticate with CRE.
True - Lucity will authenticate with CRE via CRE's guest account. The guest account should have permission to view all Lucity reports.
False - Lucity will pass Windows authentication credentials from the logged in user to CRE. CRE should be configured to allow users to view the necessary reports.
Enable the integration:
In the How Reports are selected to run in Enterprise field, choose how you prefer the Lucity-CRE integration to run.
Blank - The Lucity-CRE integration is disabled.
Manual - Lucity Reports only run in CRE if they are marked to run in CRE. This option allows administrators to offload specific resource-intensive reports to run in CRE.
Auto - Lucity attempts to run all reports in CRE.
Point Lucity to the CRE folder that holds Lucity Reports:
In the Report Folder ID field, enter the ID for the folder that contains the Lucity Reports. This value was collected in the previous section: How to set up CRE for the integration.
In Crystal Reports for Enterprise, create a folder for Lucity Reports.
Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
Write down the folder's ID for later references.
The following settings typically should not be modified:
Failure-Failover Notification
Is Crystal Reports Enterprise Integration Running?
The CRE integration can be setup to run all reports in CRE or run some of them in CRE and some in Lucity. If you are configuring the system to run reports in a mixed report environment you will need to complete the following setup.
Open IIS on the server running Lucity Web.
Navigate to the Default Web Site.
Right-click and select Add Application.
in the Alias text box enter crystalreportviewers14.
In the Physical Path text box enter or navigate to the following path: