Create Work Orders

Android Screenshot

The Work Order tool is used to generate Work Orders based on a filterset or on records selected in the grid. Users can choose to create a single work order for all records or individual work orders for each record. In addition, users can opt to base the work order on a template from the PM/Template module.


How To Create Work Orders

  1. Create a filter to identify the records that need a work order OR select all of the records in the grid that need a work order.
  2. Click the Android Screenshot button. The following pop-up appears:

    wo popup 1

    Note: The Where options appear only if more than one record is selected.

  3. Under Create Work Order(s) for..., choose whether to create the work order for the Selected Records OR the FIltered Records.
  4. Under Where (if applicable), select whether to create one work order with all of the records attached OR separate work orders for each record.
  5. Under Category Code enter the work category to be used on the work order. This will automatically be filled out if there is a Default Work Category.
  6. Under Select Template is a list of templates from the PM/Templates module with a Category that matches the work order asset. If you would like to use a template select one from the list.
  7. Click OK. If there are open work orders on any of the selected assets, the following pop-up appears to ask whether the user wants to create another work order:

    Note: This prompt appears only if the Notify user when Asset is already attached to an open Work Order work option is enabled.

  8. Click Yes to continue. The system opens the work order in a view. Note: Depending on system settings if more than one view is available for the work order module, the following pop-up appears. This allows the user to select which view they want to open the work order in:

    Select a View

  9. Select a View from the list and click OK. The view opens and displays the new work order. If no view exists, the system creates the work order and a notation appears above the grid indicating that the operation succeeded.