Converting Desktop Reports

Custom reports created for Lucity Desktop will NOT work in the Web application as is. To convert a report from a standard Lucity report to a Web report, complete the following steps:

  1. Make a copy of the Desktop report and rename it.

    Example: Desktop report WOSumGrProb.rpt would be copied and renamed WOSumGrProbWeb.rpt for use in Lucity Web.

  2. Open the new Web report in Crystal Reports.
  3. Go to Database>>Set Datasource Location.


  4. If SQL Server is selected, the system will prompt the user to select a provider. Use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, as shown below.


  5. Next, enter the Connection Information.

    Once the connection has been created, individually (manually) map every table from the report, one table at a time.

    Set datasource

  6. To do this, click on a table in the top box (Current Data Source) and click the same table in the bottom box (Replace with). Then, click Update.  Repeat these steps for each table, even those listed under SubreportsNote: "Properties" is not a table to be updated.

    datasource 2

    After the report is converted for Lucity Web use, it must be loaded into the application.

  7. In Lucity Web, open the module to which to add the report.
  8. Click the Android Screenshot on the toolbar.
  9. To add a new report, click the Add button. The following dialog appears:

    add report

  10. Enter the Report Name and Report Description.
  11. In the Subdirectory that Report will be stored in field, enter the name of the folder to which you want to upload the report file.

    Note: Reports are automatically uploaded to the location specified in the Admin Portal > Settings > System Settings > Documents > Path where uploaded documents are stored (Internal) (Document Hive) setting.

    Note: If the folder name that the user enters does not exist, the system will create a folder with that name within the folder to which the reports are uploaded.

  12. Under Choose File to Upload, click Browse... and select the .rpt file you would like to upload to the web server.

    Note: The name of the .rpt file being uploaded cannot match any other .rpt files.

  13. Assign the report to a Report Group (optional).
  14. If this report is run from Crystal Enterprise:

Click Save.