Supervisor/Leadworker Notifications

Employees can be sent Supervisor and Lead Worker Notifications from a work order. These notifications are designed to let an employee know when they have been assigned as the supervisor or lead worker on a work order.


Where are Employee Notifications Setup and Who Receives Them?

When are Employee Notifications Sent?

How Can Employee Notifications be Overridden?


How To Create a Supervisor or Lead Worker Notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: The notification template must have one of these setups.

    notif11 notif21 notif31

  2. After creating the notification template, go into the Work Flow Setup > Employee module.
  3. On the General Tab
  4. On the Contact Info tab.


  5. After completing the above setup, every time the employee is selected as the supervisor or lead worker on a work order, they will receive the notification.

    Note: The same notification template can be used for multiple employees.