The Permit Types/Fees/Checklist tab contains three grids which allow users to select multiple permit types, assign fee items, and populate a checklist. The Fee Items, and Checklist grids are tied to the Permit Types grid. That means that the fee items, and the checklist that appear in the other grids depend on the record selected in the Permit type grid. The grids on this page can also be populated using the Permit Type Setup module. In that module users setup a permit type with all of its fees and checklist items. Users can then load the setup record into the Permit Types grid and populate all the other grids automatically.
Permit Types Grid
The Permit Types grid allows users to assign multiple permit types. All records in the Fee Items grid and Checklist grid are tied to the record that is selected in this grid.
A sample of the grid appears below
Right-click in the grid to add a record
Right-click on an existing record to get a menu with options to View Record, Add Record, Edit Record, Delete Record, or Load Permit Type.
Right click in the grid and select Add Record. The following popup will appear:
Select a Permit Type. Click the caption button or click in the field and push F9 for a list to select from.
Enter a Permit Type Fee.
Note: This field is also auto-calculated by adding all of the Fee Items together. Anything manually entered into this field will be overwritten by the auto-calculation if a fee item is added.
Select the desired permit in the Permit Types grid.
Right click in the Fee Items grid and select Add record. A popup will appear:
Select a Fee Item.
Enter a Fee amount.
This is used to update the Permit Type Fee field.
Save and Close the record.
Checklist Grid
The Checklist grid allows users to add checklist items to a permit.
A sample of the grid appears below
Right-click in the grid to add a record
Right-click on an existing record to get a menu with options to View Record, Add Record, Edit Record, Delete Record, or Populate Pass Code.
Double-click on an existing record to open it
At the bottom of the grid there are reorder arrows. Select a checklist item in the grid and use the up down arrows to change it's position in the checklist.