Click the username drop-down in the top-right corner of the screen and select Change Password. The following pop-up appears:
Enter the Current Password.
Enter the New Password and enter it again in the Confirm New Password field.
Check the Show Passwords box to view what you're typing.
Click OK. The password is changed.
Note: Click the View Password Requirements button to see the requirements set by the system administrator.
Password Requirements
An agency controls the level of security it requires for users' Lucity passwords. Password requirements are set by administrators.
When setting or changing a password, consider your agency's standards for the following password factors:
Length: A Lucity loginpassword must have at least one character; however, an agency may require a specific minimum/maximum number of characters.
Complexity: Depending on preferences configured in the Lucity Administration Tool, an agency may require that user passwords contain three of the following:
an uppercase letter,
a lowercase letter,
a number, or
a special character.
Frequency: Some agencies may require users to update their Lucity passwords after a designated number of days. In such cases, the system automatically prompts users to change their passwords.
Simple Passwords: User passwords may be denied because they:
consist of repeated values - 1111111, AAAAAA;
consist of a common sequence - 1234567, ABCDEFG;
supply user information - logon, first name, last name, email address; or
include one of these easily guessed passwords - password, qwerty, abc123, iloveyou, admin, letmein, qwertyio, football, baseball, welcome, 1qaz2wsx, dragon, master, monkey, login, princess, qwertyiop, passw0rd, p@ssword, p@ssw0rd, starwars, lucity, gba.
Contact your agency's Lucity security administrator if you have problems logging in to Lucity Web.