Configuring the ArcMap-to-Lucity integration enables ArcMap to work with Lucity. It ensures that:
Lucity tools in ArcMap recognize the feature classes that are linked to Lucity.
Changes made within ArcMap to Lucity-linked feature classes are pushed to the Lucity database.
Note: This is a required configuration step.
Edits To Inventory Records
When a user starts an ArcMap edit session, the Lucity GIS Edit tools in ArcMap compare the geodatabase connection string with the information used to connect to feature classes in ArcMap.
If the connection information matches, the tools consider the geodatabase a Lucity-linked geodatabase.
The tools then check the geodatabase configuration to determine whether any of the the feature classes in the map are linked to Lucity.
Edits made in an ArcMap edit session with the Lucity GIS Editor enabled are pushed directly into the geodatabase and tracked in a Lucity edit cache.
When the ArcMap edit session is saved, the Lucity GIS Editor processes the edit cache and updates the Lucity database.
To configure this connection, an administrator must point:
Lucity to a geodatabase,
feature classes in the geodatabase to modules in Lucity, and
fields in the feature classes to fields in the module.
Open ArcCatalog and in the Lucity GIS toolbar select Geodatabase Configuration.
Select the geodatabase connection to which you'd like to add the feature class and right-click on the node.
Note: This option is not available for replica geodatabases; instead, see How To Associate a Feature Class, below.
Select Add Feature Class. The following dialog appears:
Select a Lucity Asset module in the first drop-down box
Click OK. The Geodatabase configuration is updated to indicate the new feature type.
Using the Feature Class Name field select the feature class you would like to link to the Lucity module. This must be established before the related feature class configuration can be saved.
Click on a different node to automatically save the new feature class component or continue to complete the remainder of the feature class and field-mapping configuration.
In the Geodatabase Configuration tool, select the desired feature class. A list of available Lucity fields appears on the right.
Decide which feature class field should be linked.
Look at the Lucity module and decide what fields you want to link to your GIS data. You can get the field's caption or CTRL + Right -click to view the field properties to obtain the field's name.
In the geodatabase configuration, select the feature class you are linking to Lucity.
In the grid on the right, find the Lucity field, using its field name or display name.
Map the field by:
Clicking the Field Lookup button for a list of fields from the associated feature class.
The following pop-up will appear:
Click Only show fields with compatible data type to filter out fields that aren't the same type as the field you are mapping to.
Click Only show unmapped fields to filter out fields that aren't already currently mapped to.
Select a field and click OK.
Or Type the geodatabase field name in the Feature Class Field Name field.