Update Work Category Domain

Fields in the geodatabase that are linked to Lucity fields storing the Default Work Category should contain a domain that stores a list of Work Categories. This provides an easy way to set the Default Work Category for a large number of assets at once. When this tool is run the domain is automatically associated to any feature class field that is linked to a Default Work Category field in Lucity.

Example Domain

How To Update Default Work Domains

  1. In the geodatabase configuration select the geodatabase node from the tree located on the left.
  2. Right-click on the geodatabase node and select Domains > Update Work Category Domain. The following screen will appear:

    Domain owner

  3. This screen is asking the user to login as the Domain Owner. Domains within a geodatabase can only be edited by the original creator(domain owner). Often, not even system admin accounts can edit a domain if they weren't used to create it. Make an authentication choice and enter if username and password if needed. Click OK.
  4. The following message will appear prompting for the Work Category domain.

    work category picker

  5. Click Skip, Select, or Create New.
  6. The domain will be created, or updated, or skipped and the validation screen will appear. When this tool is run the domain is automatically associated to any feature class field that is linked to a Default Work Category field in Lucity.

    work category domain validation

Note: When the Update GIS Domain tools are used the domains are sorted alphabetically by description instead of code.