Alias Configuration

An alias is an alternate name for a feature class that gives the feature class a unique identity. The Lucity mapping applications (Web Map, GIS Viewer, and Mobile) check the feature classes that are loaded into them and their display names against the aliases listed in the geodatabase configuration to determine which feature class links to which module.

Note: The geodatabase configuration must be complete before an administrator can configure Lucity to recognize aliases.

Note: An administrator must establish and import aliases to the geodatabase configuration in order for the Lucity mapping applications to work.


Setting an Alias

An administrator can either set an alias for a feature class within ArcCatalog or set aliases on a per-map basis in ArcMap. Feature class aliases are tied to the feature class in ArcCatalog. Per-map aliases are set in ArcMap and are only saved for that .mxd, or for any map services or map packages generated from that .mxd.

Note: Aliases must be completely unique throughout the geodatabase configuration. For example, a Sewer Pipe feature class and a Water Pipe feature class cannot both have a "Pipes" alias.

How to set a feature class alias in ArcCatalog

How to set a map-specific alias in ArcMap


Import Aliases

Aliases can be imported into the Lucity geodatabase configuration in two ways: 1) by importing the feature class alias or 2) by importing the per-map aliases.

How to import the feature class alias(es) in ArcCatalog

How to import per-map aliases in ArcMap


Manage Aliases

Aliases can be added manually for each feature class and managed in the Geodatabase Configuration tool.

How to manage aliases