Update Parent Linking Domains

In many feature classes there will be fields that link a feature in that feature class to a parent feature in another feature class. It does this by storing the parent feature's LucityID. For example, a park bench might store the ID of the Park that it is in. This provides important connection information for Lucity, but is less useful to users because it just displays a number. The Update Parent Linking Domains tool creates user-friendly domains for these fields. While the field will still store the domain could display the linking ID, the domain could display the parent's: Facility ID number, Name/Description, Facility ID and Name/Description, or Name/Description and Facility ID.




Number Field Name/Description Field

These are provided to show which fields within the related Lucity module the tool is referencing.


This is provided to show an example of what kind of data the Number and Name/Description fields will display.

Select one of the following options...

The four options allow an administrator to choose what the GIS field will display.


Creates/updates the domain based on the selected option


Cancels running the tool for this feature class. If the tool was run against the entire geodatabase, the tool will go to the next feature class that has a parent link field.

Do not show this prompt again...

When this is marked to tool will use the same option selected for every domain during this run of the tool. The next time the tool is run the link prompt will appear again.



How To Update Parent Linking Domains

  1. Select the geodatabase connection, OR the feature class to be checked
  2. Right-click on the selected geodatabase OR feature class and select Domains > Update Parent Linking Domains. The following screen will appear.

    Domain owner

  3. This screen is asking the user to login as the Domain Owner. Domains within a geodatabase can only be edited by the original creator(domain owner). Often, not even system admin accounts can edit a domain if they weren't used to create it. Make an authentication choice and enter if username and password if needed. Click OK.
  4. Choose a domain option and click OK.
  5. The Validation Results window will pop up to show progress, and will be updated throughout the process:

    parent linking validation

  6. If there are parent fields to link the options window will appear:


  7. Choose if the Domain will display the Number(FaciltyID), Name/Description info, Number and Name/Description, or the Name/Description and Number.
  8. Click OK.
    1. If there is currently no domain for the field that contains the parent link the following message will appear asking to create one:


    2. Click Yes.
  9. The domain will be created/updated. The process will be updated in the Validation Results.