Replica Geodatabases

Many organizations use read-only replica geodatabases to push their data out to end user clients. This allows users access to the data, without worrying about them being able to change anything. In the Lucity Geodatabase Configuration tool multiple replica geodatabases can be established, and one feature class can be associated to multiple replicas. As well a replica can be created without having to remap every feature class to every lucity module.

How To Configure a replica geodatabase

  1. Create a geodatabase connection string in the Lucity Admin Tools for the replica geodatabase.

    Note: A DEFAULT geodatabase connection at least MUST exist, and be configured, before a replica geodatabase connection can be configured.

  2. In the Geodatabase Configuration Tool select the replica from the geodatabase connection tree on the left.
  3. In the bottom of the Connection Properties tab click the Replica Geodatabase box.
  4. Right-click on the replica geodatabase to see the following menu

  5. Click Associate Feature Class(es) and a popup list of configured feature classes will appear.
  6. Choose which feature classes to associate to the replica and click ok.
  7. The geodatabase configuration for the selected feature classes will be copied from the standard configured geodatabase to the Replica.